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California Drug Take-Back Program

Med Bin Host FAQs

Bin w, girl.PNG

Q: If I receive a med bin through the program, what all does it include?

A:  If you're awarded a free med bin through the program, you'll receive a free med bin (use of this med bin is required by the program), free professional installation (the program requires installation by our staff), free servicing of the med bin (through August 2020), and free technical support for the duration of the program (August of 2020). ​


Q:  I'm a new med bin host.  What if I have questions about how to use the web portal?

A:  Send an email to web portal technical support:


Q:  Are law enforcement offices allowed to transport the contents of the bins for proper destruction?

A:  No.  This program requires bin hosts to ship via our contracted third party reverse distributor.


​Q:  What is the cost for servicing is we were to pay on our own?

A:  We've been quoted a per service fee of $165.  Your costs may vary.  Most locations get their bin serviced once every month or so, depending on a number of factors (pent up demand, population density, etc.).

Q:  How do collectors unpack and assemble liners?

A:  See this video for detailed instructions. 

Q:  How do collectors pack and ship liners?

A:  See this video for detailed instructions.

Q:  Does the med bin host have to lock away full and packaged liners? If yes, how does that process work?
A:  Yes.  Each med bin host will receive a four liners:  one single liner, along with a pack of three liners.  Once a liner is inserted into the bin, the med bin becomes functional – don’t forget to unlock the hatch once the liner is installed.  Once the liner is full and subsequently removed (when the med bin ceases to open properly, it is most likely full), simply seal and package the liner (see our videos on this site) and keep the full liner stored in a locked storage room until the common carrier arrives to remove the package.  If you don’t have a locked room to store the package until it is picked up, leave the package in the locked bin and lock the hatch until an empty liner is installed in the med bin.  NOTE:  Be sure to sign up for automatic refilling of liners via the web portal so a new pack of liners will be sent to you automatically once you get down to your last replacement liner.


Q:  When applying for the bin, do we also need to contract with a company to pick up the filled liners separately, or is it included in the initial application?
A:  Servicing of the filled liners is covered through the program through at least August 2020, although program funds now allow for continued purchase of liners, which include shipping and destruction. The program's contracted reverse distributor is Covanta. We let them know where your bin is, and they take care of the rest (once you have been awarded a bin, you have provided to us all of the necessary paperwork, it has been installed, etc.).


Q: Is the collection of the liners done through mail-back? Does the reverse distributor visit our location to pick up the used liner?
A: Once you call for a pickup using the program's web portal, you must call UPS to schedule a pick-up; UPS picks up the package, typically, within one business day.  If you're not on UPS' normal pick-up route, they may charge approximately $8 each time they visit.


Q:  How do I update my DEA license so that I have collector status?

A:  Follow this link to the U.S. Department of Justice website, and complete the online form "Registration for Disposal of Controlled Substances."


Q: Does the grant cover plastic baggies for disposal of drugs in the med bins?

A: No.  Note that the bins accept both pill bottles or baggies; the bags may be provided by the med bin host or the individual using the med bin.


Q: Is there a way to avoid having to pay a pick-up fee?

A: Yes, the liner would have to be picked up by the UPS driver part of their normal delivery route. Talk to your UPS driver and give them a heads up regarding the regular expected shipping pattern (and how to get added to their normal delivery route). To further clarify, this way they can be on the lookout for packages as part of their normal delivery route. Pickups as part of a normal delivery route are free.


Q: How do I schedule a pickup for a filled liner? Are there pick-up or shipping fees associated with scheduling a pick-up?

A: Each liner comes attached with prepaid shipping labels, although we recently learned that UPS charges a pickup fee if your location is not located on a normal route. To schedule a pickup, just do the following: 1) call 800-742-5877 and select “schedule a pickup” 2) enter your facility address and you will get a total cost 3) enter your credit card info, or pay with check or a money order 4) schedule a date and time for the driver to come and pick up the liner.


Q: How do I set up my user ID and set up auto replenishment of liners on the web portal?

A: See this process documentation for detailed instructions.


Q: What do I do with extra liners at the end of the grant period (August 2020)?

A: Med bin hosts are to ship the liners out when full, even if the liners are shipped out past the end of the grant.  Continue using the prepaid liners provided by the grant until the supply is depleted.


Q: Do I have to notify the Board of Pharmacy if I install a take-back receptacle? How do I submit a notice?

A: Yes, you must notify the Board of Pharmacy within 30 days of installing a take-back receptacle. Please follow this fill out and submit this short online form to have your location registered.


Q:  Who do I reach out to if I lose my med bin's keys?

A:  Email and be prepared to share your contact information, shipping details, med bin serial number, and method of payment for a $26 payment.


Q: Who do I contact with questions about use of the web portal or bin servicing after the California Drug Take-Back Program grant period (August 2020) has ended?

A: Please email American Security Cabinets’ support team with any questions at


Q: What if I have additional questions?

A: Please email Nate at

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California Product Stewardship Council

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